Live Chat

Customers have different natures, so companies need to develop multiple platforms for customer service to cater to every possible need. Some customers are chatty and love to talk over the phone. For this, you can invest in a dedicated, toll-free hotline with a professional business number, just like the Cox customer service number, which is easy to remember and dial. You can also incorporate automated assistance into your phone system to streamline operations. On the other hand, a few customers may be phone shy and prefer texting to talk. For them, you can set up a live chat service on your website. Visitors can click on the pop-up window to initiate a live chat session with an on-site representative in real-time. In case the agents are unavailable, you can make use of a chatbot to note the customer query, keep the conversation going, and give the impression that you are available for your customers 24/7. 

Remote Assistance

Suppose, as a customer, your browser is not opening certain sites, your Netflix is buffering constantly and your overall internet connection is slowed down. Your usual reaction to this would be to call the customer service of your internet company and ask them to appoint a technician to your home for issue troubleshooting, right? Well, if the company has taken remote assisting technology on board, it’ll be able to solve your problem from afar, removing the hassle of a tech visit and skipping the frustrating wait time. Remote assistance works when a customer service tech taps into a customer’s computer remotely and solves software-related problems like firmware upgrading with the help of certain tools in real-time. As a business runner, you can invest in remote assisting technology to boost your customer service operations and bring even greater convenience to your customers. 

Mobile Application

Smartphones dominate the world. There is no doubt about that. Nearly everyone has a smartphone in his or her pocket. It is a compact device that lets you carry your data wherever you are, connect to the web on the go, and download apps to make your life easier. Now, you can try pairing the customer service of your brand with a smartphone application. Develop a signature mobile app that empowers customers to contact service representatives from their smartphones and get hands-on information about the status of their subscription and any new products or services that are introduced by the firm. It’ll work out quite well in your favor, reeling in mobile traffic along with a web-based one.

Social Media

Social media has been in the run for a long time now, and even to this day, its uses are never-ending. While it helps businesses expand their marketing efforts, it also enables them to ensure a stellar customer service experience. Brands can increase their rate of responsiveness by replying to comments and DMs on social media. They can address and solve customer grievances, read and analyze customer sentiments, and strive and innovate to make their products or services better. Social media also poses as an excellent way to routinely assess and respond to customer complaints, and turn bad reviews into great ones.

Self-Service Portals

Wrapping Up

Today’s businesses leave no stone unturned to please their customers, which is why they set up a professional customer service front to help with conversion, retention, and reputation. This post suggests several ways your brand can make use of the latest technological advances to boost customer service, which includes live chat, mobile app, social media, remote assistance, and self-service portals. By investing in these tools, you can leave your customers happier than ever, and that’s a guarantee. Thanks for reading

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